Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Have Authority

I don’t fully understand spiritual warfare and I think that’s ok.

About a week ago I started having some pretty awful dreams and I couldn’t make it through the night without waking up a couple times. I always sleep through the night and I haven’t had nightmares since I was a child so I was pretty reluctant to speak about anything out loud. I was even a little apprehensive to call my dreams nightmares since I so closely linked that with childhood and I did not see that as something that happens to adults.

Two nights ago I had a morbid dream that just weighed me down… I woke up at 3am and just started praying, “God take these images away and like this have no place here”… and then doubt crept in… “this isn’t from you, right?” I slept very little the rest of the night and found myself completely exhausted. I dismissed a lot and figured I was just catching the cold that was going around; I thought my physical exhaustion was just the beginning of getting ill. I had become so worn down that I made the decision to skip dinner and just sleep but when I crawled in bed I found myself near tears because I was half afraid to close my eyes and fall asleep again.

When I woke up from my nap I was talking with Luke and I mentioned not sleeping well and my bad dreams. He suggested that I ask my roommates to pray: there it was… the answer I was overlooking. I asked Sarah to pray for me and then before we fell asleep both Bri and Lisa prayed over our room too. I am happy to announce that I slept the whole night through.

Tonight during team time, I think Bri shared a bit about what I was going through with my sleep with the Japan team. They decided as a team that we should do something about the oppression that many of us are feeling the weight of so both teams came together and just declared the power of Jesus over the Mark Centre and in our lives. I can’t think of time in prayer that was more God soaked. It seemed that every word that was said was covered with the authority of Jesus Christ. I wish there were adequate words to express the beauty of this evening but you’ll just have to take my word that it was wonderfully indescribable… What a way to begin the end of our time together during training.

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
Luke 10:19

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